Editors’ Featured Articles

Read this quarter's Editors’ Featured Articles, which are available free access on a temporary basis.

Each year, Urban Studies publishes around 170 articles advancing the field of urban knowledge. To further promote and facilitate the work of urban scholars we offer Editors’ Featured Articles, which will be accessible via the Urban Studies Online website. Editors’ Featured Articles makes a range of articles that have been recently published available to access for free on a temporary basis. Featured articles will be updated every quarter.

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Freight logistics and the city by Håvard Haarstad, Rafael Rosales, and Subina Shrestha

Research from Håvard Haarstad, Rafael Rosales and Subina Shrestha points to key areas for urban scholars to explore at the intersections between urban logistics and urban change to better understand the role of freight logistics in urban
sustainability transformations.


Rethinking urban utopianism: The fallacy of social mix in the 15-minute city by Giada Casarin, Julie MacLeavy, and David Manley

Giada Casarin, Julie MacLeavy, and David Manley examine the evolution of social mixing policies to the current 15-minute city.