Latest updates on Urban Studies

Latest updates on Urban Studies


First Published:

03 Dec 2018, 12:00 am

Latest updates on Urban Studies

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Turning waste into resources and resources into waste: Centralised waste-to-energy nexuses and alternative modes of nexusing in Hanoi by Sophie Schramm and Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai

This article is part of the forthcoming Special Issue: Interfacing infrastructure in cities: Politics and spatialities of the urban nexus.

Opening the view to alternative modes of nexusing as part of heterogeneous infrastructures challenges conventional analyses of the urban nexus that exclude marginalized practices and people and has important policy implications for waste management.


The analysis of residential sorting trends: Measuring disparities in socio-spatial mobility by Tal Modai-Snir and Pnina Plaut

This Methodological Paper develops a methodological framework designated to explore how changing mobility patterns translate into temporal and scale variations in residential sorting.


Why bright city lights dazzle and illuminate: A cognitive science approach to urban promises by Rodrigo Cardoso, Evert Meijers, Maarten van Ham, Martijn Burger and Duco de Vos

Why do we have such positive expectations about cities? This Debates Paper offers a novel contribution by examining how the cognitive biases and heuristics which restrict human rationality shape our responses to urban promises.


Urban planners and the production of gated communities in China: A structure–agency approach by Kaihuai Liao, Rainer Wehrhahn and Werner Breitung

Exploring the attitudes and agency of Chinese urban planners in the planning of gated communities: How do planners’ residential experiences in gated communities and middle class identities affect their planning values and professional perspectives? 


Housing market resilience: Neighbourhood and metropolitan factors explaining resilience before and after the US housing crisis by Kyungsoon Wang

How can policy makers establish sound policies that stabilize neighbourhoods and prevent downturns? Patterns and drivers explaining neighbourhood resilience within the context of metropolitan housing markets over periods of housing boom, bust, and recovery.


Migration, housing and attachment in urban gold mining settlements by Katherine V Gough, Paul WK Yankson and James Esson

Contrary to popular understandings of incomers to mining settlements as nomadic opportunists, migrants often aspire to build their own houses and establish a family, which promotes their attachment to these settlements and their desire to remain. 


Latest urban news

ANNOUNCEMENT: USJ and UCRN Doctoral Student Essay Competition 2019

Urban Studies journal (USJ) and the Urban China Research Network (UCRN) are delighted to announce the launch of a Doctoral Student Essay competition. The competition is open to doctoral students who have submitted papers to the UCRN conference in Nanjing (see our Latest News for UCRN submission details). Further details available here.


Call for Papers: 2019 UCRN Conference – The Next Generation of Urban China Research: 20 Year Anniversary of UCRN, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, June 21-23, 2019

This conference welcomes papers from all social science perspectives including sociology, anthropology, economics, demography, geography, history, management, political science, public policy, urban planning and design, geography and urban studies. At the 2019 Nanjing conference, UCRN will work together with Urban Studies journal (USJ), SAGE (USJ) to name and award Best Paper prizes, and will recommend the winners to submit and hopefully publish their papers in USJ. 

Paper proposal submission deadline: 28 February 2019. Please submit your paper proposal by email to Ms. Zhe Zhang. Further details available here.


Seminar: The city of the future: productive, inclusive and resource efficient? Friday 7 December 2018, 10.00am to 2.00pm, Cardiff University

This half-day seminar will bring together leading academics and external stakeholders to examine how the development of ‘smart cities’ and related tools such as big data, connected sensors and cognitive computing can help to understand and tackle urban challenges.

Places are limited. To register for the event and further details please visit the event’s Eventbrite page.


Job vacancy: Professor of Urban Studies vacancy – University of Vienna

The faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy of the University of Vienna seeks a full time permanent Professor of Urban Studies. 

The application deadline is 7 January 2019Applications in English should be submitted by email to [email protected]. Further details here.