First Published:
16 Jul 2019, 9:39 am
First Published:
16 Jul 2019, 9:39 am
The accompanying vodcast for Lingering neighbourhood effects: A framework to account for residential histories and temporal dynamics by Emily Miltenburg and Tom van der Meer, which is one of the joint winners of the Urban Studies Best Article 2018, is now available on our videos page here.
Measuring and mapping displacement: The problem of quantification in the battle against gentrification by Sue Easton, Loretta Lees, Phil Hubbard and Nicholas Tate
Lees, Easton, Hubbard and Tate consider how researchers have attempted to measure displacement using a range of statistical and mapping techniques reflecting the multidimensional character of gentrification.
Cementing Africa: Cement flows and city-making along the West African corridor (Accra, Lomé, Cotonou, Lagos) by Armelle Choplin
By focusing on the “cement chain,” Choplin’s research contributes to ongoing explorations of how urban phenomena are produced in Africa.
Continuities and discontinuities of Russian urban housing: The Soviet housing experiment in historical long-term perspective by Alexander Kalyukin and Sebastian Kohl
Did the socialist experiment disrupt continuity in Russian urban housing?