Latest updates on Urban Studies 17/09/19

Latest updates on Urban Studies 17/09/19


First Published:

17 Sep 2019, 9:57 am

Latest updates on Urban Studies 17/09/19


Ronan Paddison (1945–2019): An Appreciation of an Academic Life by Andrew Cumbers and Chris Philo

It is with great sadness that we record the untimely death of our editor, colleague, friend and for many years the leading figurehead and inspiration of the journal Urban Studies.


New issue out now

The October issue (Volume 56, Issue 13) of Urban Studies Journal is now available on OnlineFirst.

Articles include:

Linking suburban youth in Madrid and Paris. The role of civil society structures in the integration of children from Muslim backgrounds by Cecilia Eseverri Mayer

Novel comparative analysis of a Paris banlieue and a Madrid barrio. Youth testimony illuminates two EU integration models: one steeped in laïcité and long immigration history; and one with no stated integration strategy and more recent migratory experience.


Urban planners and the production of gated communities in China: A structure–agency approach by Kaihuai Liao, Rainer Wehrhahn and Werner Breitung

Exploring the attitudes and agency of Chinese urban planners in the planning of gated communities: How do planners’ residential experiences in gated communities and middle class identities affect their planning values and professional perspectives?


Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Urbanisation processes and new towns in contemporary China: A critical understanding from a decentred view by Francesca Governa, Angelo Sampieri

‘Promoting the Chinese urban dream’: New towns in contemporary China as a key tool of national strategy.


The attraction of urban cores: Densification in Dutch city centres by Dani Broitman, Eric Koomen

Article by Broitman and Koomen suggests a new methodology to test the impact of local density changes on urban gradients, looking at spatio-temporal developments in terms of housing and population.


Local environmental governance and policy implementation: Variegated environmental education in three districts in Tianjin, China by Outi Luova

This article is part of the forthcoming Special Issue: New directions of urban studies in China

A nuanced understanding of local institutional configurations is needed in environmental governance and urban administrative unit.


Unpacking commercial gentrification in central Paris by Eve Bantman-Masum

This article is part of the forthcoming Special Issue: Transnational gentrification

To what extent do cross-border flows influence commercial gentrification? Looking at commercial upgrading in four neighbourhoods of central Paris, France


How collectively organised residents in marginalised urban settlements secure multiple basic service enhancements: Evidence from Hyderabad, India by Gregory Pierce

Evidence from Hyderabad, India: Pierce argues for high pressure strategies which alter the incentives of public agencies and mediate the tension between short-term and long-term service needs of residents in marginalised urban settlements.


Book reviews now available on Urban Blog

Book review – Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities

Edited by Jane Battersby & Vanessa Watson and reviewed by William G Moseley

“Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities will expand your understanding of urban planning and poverty alleviation and push you to think about food security in a different way.”

Book Review – Tomatoes and Taxi Ranks: Running our cities to fill the food gap

by Leonie Joubert with the Consuming Urban Poverty Team and reviewed by Jane Battersby and Vanessa Watson

Tomatoes & Taxi Ranks illustrates that food systems and the food security outcomes are shaped by land use planning decisions, infrastructure deficiencies, state responses to informality and a number of other specifically urban scale factors.