First Published:
08 Apr 2019, 12:00 am
First Published:
08 Apr 2019, 12:00 am
Read the full table of contents here.
The role of geography in school segregation in the free parental choice context of Dutch cities by Willem R Boterman
This article is part of the forthcoming Special issue: School segregation in contemporary cities: Socio-spatial dynamics and urban outcomes
Boterman demonstrates that even in a highly choice-based school context in Dutch cities, school segregation is to a large extent the effect of residential patterns and argues that the role of residential trends crucial for understanding differences.
How elite sport helps to foster and maintain a neoliberal culture: The ‘branding’ of Melbourne, Australia by Alistair John and Brent McDonald
John and McDonald explore the role elite sport has played in the State Government of Victoria’s neoliberal agenda of creating an environment conducive to commercial activity.
Administrative restructuring and urban development in China: Effects of urban administrative level upgrading by Jiejing Wang and Anthony GO Yeh
Wang and Yeh highlight the continuing strategic role of the Chinese state in establishing new scales and arenas and adjusting administrative structures to promote urban development.
Gentrifiers, distinction, and social preservation: A case study in consumption on Mount Pleasant Street in Washington, DC by Andrew Riely
Riely investigates gentrifiers’ consumption practices in Mount Pleasant, Washington, DC to ascertain how they differ from those of peers in neighbourhoods where gentrification has followed a more typical trajectory.
Urban Agriculture in shared spaces: The difficulties with collaboration in an age of austerity by Rebecca St Clair, Michael Hardman, Richard P Armitage and Graeme Sherriff
New article focuses on an urban agriculture project in Manchester to highlight difficulties faced by groups attempting to function in an environment disfigured by depletion, illustrating conflicts arising when competing for space and resources.
Reform and resistance: The political economy of land and planning reform in Kenya by Ellen Bassett
Bassett examines the unfolding institutional land reform pursuant to the 2010 Kenyan Constitution by exploring the political-economy of land and examining incentives for and impediments to institutional change toward better land management and land justice.
Strategies of self-organising communities in a gentrifying city by Ellen van Holstein
Studying three community gardens in Sydney, van Holstein reveals that, more than government policy, changes gardeners observe in the neighbourhood and their perceptions of government’s attitude towards different gardens shapes how they manage their gardens.
Call for Papers: Infrastructural futures across cities of the global north – 19-20 September 2019 at University of Manchester, UK
This international workshop is funded by the University of Manchester, the University of Toronto and the Urban Studies Foundation. Deadline to submit 250 word abstracts: Friday 19 April 2019. Abstracts should be emailed to: Notification for acceptance: Friday 17 May 2019.
More information about the workshop can be found here: