Latest Updates on Urban Studies

Latest Updates on Urban Studies


First Published:

10 Jun 2019, 12:00 am

Latest Updates on Urban Studies

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Distributive politics in China: Regional favouritism and expansion of construction land by Shenghua Lu and Hui Wang

Using a provincial-level dataset and information on political cadres in the Ministry of Land and Resource in China, Wang and Lu estimate an econometric model that reflects the relationship between regional favouritism and construction land expansion.


Housing wealth and household consumption in urban China by Zekai He, Jingjing Ye and Xiuzhen Shi

He, Ye and Shi highlight the role of mortgage debts, health insurance, education, and risk preference in explaining variations in household consumption in urban China. 


Institutional change and diversity in the transfer of land development rights in China: The case of Chengdu by Chen Shi and Bo-sin Tang

This article is part of the forthcoming Special Issue: New directions of urban studies in China.

Shi and Tang  examine the institutional changes and the implications in land production and development arising from China’s ‘Linkage’ Policy: a mechanism of transferring land development rights from the rural to the urban sectors.

Read the blog here.


‘The kind of things we’ve heard keep people in the district’: White racial exclusion and the evolution of school choice policies in Portland Public Schools by Leanne Serbulo

This article is part of the forthcoming Special Issue: School segregation in contemporary cities: Socio-spatial dynamics and urban outcomes

Leanne Serbulo traces the evolution of Portland Public Schools’ school choice program from the early 1970s until 2010 and examines its impacts on the historically black Albina neighbourhood.