Latest Urban Studies news 02/12/19

Latest Urban Studies news 02/12/19


First Published:

02 Dec 2019, 11:07 am

Latest Urban Studies news 02/12/19

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Social policies, financial markets and the multi-scalar governance of affordable housing in Toronto by Beibei Zhang

Zhang examines the roles and relationship of the federal, provincial, and local states in the financialisation of affordable housing.


State rescaling and large-scale urban development projects in China: The case of Lingang New Town, Shanghai by Jie Li and Rebecca Lai Har Chiu

New article demonstrates how, despite being a socialist polity, China’s pragmatic market measures and downscaling are taken as transient measures at times of need.


Governing the multicultural city: Europe’s ‘great urban expectations’ facing austerity and resurgent nativism by Licia Cianetti

Cianetti analyses European discourses on ‘optimal’ urban inclusion policies.