Latest Urban Studies news 06/11/23

Latest Urban Studies news 06/11/23


First Published:

06 Nov 2023, 8:34 am

Latest Urban Studies news 06/11/23

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Theorising the causal impacts of social frontiers: The social and psychological implications of discontinuities in the geography of residential mix by Aarti Iyer and Gwilym Pryce

In their latest article on the causal impacts of social frontiers, Aarti Iyer and Gwilym Pryce explore the social and psychological implications of discontinuities in the geography of residential mix.


What’s in a name? Place misrepresentation and neighbourhood stigma in the online rental market by Ariela Schachter, John Kuk, Max Besbris and Lydia Ho

This article is for the forthcoming Special Issue: Special Issue: Digitalization, Neighborhood Change and Urban Social Processes

Findings from Schachter, Kuk, Besbris and Ho’s latest study reveal that postings in online housing markets reflect and reproduce existing racial-spatial patterns and may contribute to neighbourhood stigma.


The urban political ecology of the commons or commoning as a socio-natural process: The case of the Peri-Urban Gardening group in Thessaloniki by Maria Karagianni

Maria Karagianni’s latest study argues for a reconceptualization of urban commoning as a socio-natural, productive process.


Conceptualising ‘street-level’ urban design governance in Scotland by Robert Richardson

Robert Richardson presents case study research on how a Scottish local authority has made a strategic investment in a placemaking policy agenda.

Read the accompanying blog post here.


The geography of urban innovation beyond patents only: New evidence on large and secondary cities in the United States by Carolina Castaldi

This new study from Carolin Castaldi aims to reevaluate the geography of urban innovation by considering various phases of the innovation process and incorporating a broader range of innovation types.


Assembling high-rise: The uneven agencies of air in suburban densification in the Anthropocene by Nicole T Cook and Sophie-May Kerr

Drawing on research in Sydney’s Southwestern suburbs, Nicole Cook and Sophie-May Kerr reveal the high-rise as a socio-ecological assemblage.


Reclaiming data for improved city governance: Barcelona’s New Data Deal by Fernando Fernandez-Monge, Sarah Barns, Rainer Kattel and Francesca Bria

In their latest study, Fernandez-Monge, Barns, Kattel and Bria present the key successes, limitations, and tensions faced by a city government trying to regain access and control over Urban Data.


For whom do we densify? Explaining income variation across densification projects in the region of Utrecht, the Netherlands by Vera Götze, Josje Anna Bouwmeester and Mathias Jehling

Mathias Jehling, Vera Götze and Josje Anna Bouwmeester’s latest article highlights the necessity of supplementing densification policies with measures that secure affordable housing.


New book reviews on Urban Blog

Book review: Estate Regeneration and its Discontents: Public Housing, Place and Inequality in London

reviewed by Chris Hamnett

“The book draws on extensive in-depth interview material with policy makers and managers and, crucially, with tenants, giving voice to their experiences, their perceptions, their anger, their fears and their attempts to oppose regeneration.”

Read more book reviews on the Urban Studies blog.