Latest Urban Studies news 09/01/23

Latest Urban Studies news 09/01/23


First Published:

09 Jan 2023, 12:22 pm

Latest Urban Studies news 09/01/23

New issue out now

The January issue (Volume 60, Issue 1) of Urban Studies Journal is now available online. Articles include:

Is urbanisation in the Global South fundamentally different? Comparative global urban analysis for the 21st century debates paper by Gregory F Randolph and Michael Storper

In their latest debates paper on urbanisation in the Global South, Randolph and Storper argue that comparative global urban analysis should understand differences through a unified set of theories.


Impacts of political fragmentation on inclusive economic resilience: Examining American metropolitan areas after the Great Recession by Soomi Lee and Shu Wang

In their new study, Lee and Wang propose the concept of inclusive economic resilience to examine intra-regional economic recovery in American metropolitan areas after the Great Recession.


Read the full issue here.


Urban Studies Annual Lecture 2023

Urban Studies annual lecture advert

Urban Studies Journal is delighted to announce our 2023 Annual Lecture will be held virtually at Urban ARC, the Annual Research Conference of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements – ‘Dimensions of Urban Development Politics: Transcalarity, Circuits, Territories’ presented by Professor Jennifer Robinson on Thursday 12 January at 18:30 IST (13:00 GMT).

Register for the Urban Studies Annual Lecture webinar on Zoom here.

For further details, please see here.


Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Temporary populations and sociospatial polarisation in the short-term city by Barbara Brollo Filippo Celata

New article from Barbara Brollo and Filippo Celata uses the COVID-19 pandemic as offering an occasion to see how dependent cities are on temporary populations.

Read the accompanying blog post here.


‘We lurk in the hidden places’: The (un)stable spatialisation of Roma poverty in Romania by Ionuţ-Marian Anghel Filip Mihai Alexandrescu

Ionuţ-Marian Anghel and Filip Mihai Alexandrescu’s research builds upon interviews and observations collected in Roma slum areas from two Transylvanian cities in Romania.


Roots and routes in neighbourhoods. Length of residence, belonging and public familiarity in Berlin, Germany by Talja Blokland, Robert Vief, Daniela Krüger and Henrik Schultze

Latest article from Blokland et al asks: ‘What defines residents’ belonging in a neighbourhood in digital, mobile times?’


Transport reforms and its missing publics: Insights from marshrutka abolishment and transport ‘modernisation’ policies prior to FIFA World Cup 2018 in Volgograd, Russian Federation by Tonio Weicker

This article is part of the forthcoming special issue: Public Transport as Public Space.

Tonio Weicker argues that public transport reforms in Volgograd, Russia, challenge idealistic notions of public space.


Associations between adolescent mental health and pedestrian- and transit-oriented urban design qualities: Evidence from a national-level online Canadian survey by Adrian Buttazzoni and Leia Minaker

Buttazzoni and Minaker’s latest study contributes towards research on the impacts of urban exposures on the mental health of adolescents.

Read the accompanying blog post here.


Demystifying piped water supply: Formality and informality in (peri)urban water provisioning by Vishal Narain, Sumit Vij and Timothy Karpozouglou

In their latest article, Narain, Vij and Karpozouglou build on work that challenges the myth of formal water as ‘piped’ water and informal water as ‘non-piped’.


Unequal and unjust: The political ecology of Bangkok’s increasing urban heat island by Danny Marks and John Connell

This article is part of the forthcoming special issue: Heat and the City: Thermal Control, Governance and Health in Urban Asia

What political and economic processes cause Bangkok to be much hotter than surrounding areas? Why do the poor suffer the most from the city’s heat? Danny Marks and John Connell use political ecology to answer these questions.

Read the accompanying blog post here.


New reviews on Urban Blog

Frankenstein Urbanism book cover

Book review: Frankenstein Urbanism: Eco, Smart and Autonomous Cities, Artificial Intelligence and the End of the City

reviewed by Nathan Olmstead

“Federico Cugurullo brings political theory and urban geography together to show how an emphasis on experimentation is producing unimagined and potentially catastrophic consequences in cities around the world.”

Read more book reviews on the Urban Studies blog.


Books available for review

If you are interested in reviewing a book for Urban Studies, please check the list of books currently available for review here before getting in touch with our Reviews Editor, Prof Michele Acuto. We are happy to receive requests for other titles but please note that some publishers now only offer e-copies for review although we always request a hard copy where possible. 


If you would like to promote an upcoming event or job opportunity related to the field of urban studies or submit a book review or blog post responding to one of our articles for consideration, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.