Latest Urban Studies news 09/05/22

Latest Urban Studies news 09/05/22


First Published:

10 May 2022, 9:45 am

Latest Urban Studies news 09/05/22

Latest articles on OnlineFirst


From the streets to the town halls: Municipalist platforms in the post-Yugoslav space by Chiara Milan

This article is part of the forthcoming special issue: Municipalist strategy in crisis?

Milan analyses the factors accounting for the choice of urban activists to embrace new municipalist ideas as strategic ideological and political positioning of their electoral platforms.


Disposable infrastructures: ‘Micromobility’ platforms and the political economy of transport disruption in Austin, Texas by John Stehlin and Will Payne

New study by Stehlin and Payne argues that – despite their flexible, low-carbon image – existing micromobility platforms in the United States largely exploit rather than address inadequacies of urban transport.


Constructing comparisons: Reflecting on the experimental nature of new comparative tactics by Frances Brill

This article is a commentary for the forthcoming special issue: Comparative methods for global urban studies.

Brill argues for the importance of experimentation for transforming the way in which comparison is conducted in Urban Studies and Geography.


An experiment with the minor geographies of major cities: Infrastructural relations among the fragments by Niranjana R

This article is part of the forthcoming special issue: Comparative methods for global urban studies.

New special issue study places the water infrastructures of Chennai, India, and London, UK, alongside each other to highlight heterogeneity and expand critical thinking on each case.


New book reviews on Urban Studies Blog

Book review: War and the City: Urban Geopolitics in Lebanon

reviewed by Jonas Hagmann

War and the City is an insightful, eloquent and dedicated book that makes strong and empirically grounded contributions to the understanding of violence in Lebanon and cities in conflict.”

Book review: Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities

Reviewed by Ebru Kamaci Karahan

“This is a book about housing for degrowth, which is an emerging field of study. The editors, Anitra Nelson and François Schneider, have put together a stunning contribution to the degrowth debates with Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities.”

Read more book reviews on the Urban Studies blog


Books available for review

If you are interested in reviewing a book for Urban Studies, please check the list of books currently available for review here before getting in touch with our Reviews Editor, Prof Michele Acuto. We are happy to receive requests for other titles but please note that some publishers now only offer e-copies for review although we always request a hard copy where possible. 


If you would like to promote an upcoming event or job opportunity related to the field of urban studies or submit a book review or blog post responding to one of our articles for consideration, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.