Latest Urban Studies news 10/07/23

Latest Urban Studies news 10/07/23


First Published:

10 Jul 2023, 9:50 am

Latest Urban Studies news 10/07/23

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Exploring mismatch in within-metropolitan affordable housing in the United States by Seungbeom Kang Jae Sik Jeon Whitney Airgood-Obrycki

Seungbeom Kang, Jae Sik Jeon, and Whitney Airgood-Obrycki’s latest study addresses potential neighbourhood-level mismatch between affordable housing supply and demand in metropolitan areas in the US.


Linking residential mobility with daily mobility: A three-wave cross-lagged panel analysis of travel mode choices and preferences pre–post residential relocation in the Netherlands by Yinhua Tao

This open access study by Yinhua Tao links residential mobility with daily mobility by a prospective longitudinal design. The three-wave cross-lagged panel analysis investigates changes in travel mode choices and preferences pre-post residential relocation in the Netherlands.


Federal ‘redlining’ maps: A critical reappraisal debates paper by Scott Markley

Scott Markley recasts redlining maps and their accompanying field notes as windows into the governing racial-spatial ideology of twentieth-century US real estate capital.


Cities looking for waste heat: The dilemmas of energy and industry nexuses in French metropolitan areas by Antoine Fontaine and Laurence Rocher

Antoine Fontaine and Laurence Rocher examines how cities are trying to develop waste heat recovery and the role this energy resource plays in the #decarbonisation of urban energy systems.


New book reviews on Urban Blog

Urban Development in China Under the Institution of Land Rights book cover

Book review: Urban Development in China Under the Institution of Land Rights

reviewed by Mahalaya Chatterjee

“…this book is gigantic in the sense that it covers the urban development of China, focusing on land, for a span of seven decades: the nuances of nationalised land for three decades (1949–1978); and then the gradual transformation towards market, separately for villages and cities, the transformation of villages through non-farm activities, migrants and residents and all the related.”

How Cities Learn book cover

Book review forum: How Cities Learn

reviewed by Anders Kirstein Moeller and Gaurav Mittal with an author response from Astrid Wood

“This brief book review forum, comprising two reviews by Anders Kirstein Moeller and Gaurav Mittal, and an author reply Wood, seeks to capture this scholarly adventure with an eye at the achievements and pathways How Cities Learn sets us on.”

Read more book reviews on the Urban Studies blog.