Latest Urban Studies news 15/04/20

Latest Urban Studies news 15/04/20


First Published:

15 Apr 2020, 1:21 am

Latest Urban Studies news 15/04/20

New issue out now

The May issue (Volume 57, Issue 6) of Urban Studies Journal is now available on OnlineFirst.

Articles include:

To extend: Temporariness in a world of itineraries

by AbdouMaliq Simone

Urban Studies 2019 Annual Lecture: How does the temporariness of everyday life inhabit the urban?


Do gentrifying neighbourhoods have less community? Evidence from Philadelphia

by Joseph Gibbons, Michael S Barton, Timothy T Reling

Investigating how an individual’s sense of connection to neighbourhood community, as measured by trust, belongingness, and sense of cooperation, was influenced by their residence in a gentrifying neighbourhood.


Reform and resistance: The political economy of land and planning reform in Kenya

by Ellen Bassett

Bassett highlights the role of urban planners, actors rarely examined in the literature on Kenya’s land politics: Kenya’s faltering land reform is a result of the internal conflicting incentives of land actors.


Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Designing and domesticating an interstructure: Exploring the practices and the politics of an elevator for cyclists

by Ivana Suboticki and Knut H. Sørensen

Suboticki and Sørensen analyse an elevator for cyclists in Belgrade, Serbia, arguing that their proposed concept of ‘interstructure’ offers a fruitful avenue for future research into the politics of transport and urban technologies.


New posts on Urban Blog

Driving Toward Modernity book cover

Book review: Driving toward Modernity: Cars and the Lives of the Middle Class in Contemporary China

by Jun Zhang and reviewed by Pengfei Li

“Jun Zhang’s Driving toward Modernity provides an ethnographically rich analysis of Chinese middle-class identity and daily practices centred on the family car.”

Read more book reviews on the Urban Studies blog.