Latest Urban Studies news 15/04/24

Latest Urban Studies news 15/04/24


First Published:

15 Apr 2024, 8:35 am

Latest Urban Studies news 15/04/24

New issue out now

The May 2024 issue (Volume 61, Issue 6) of Urban Studies Journal is now available online. Read the full issue here.

Articles include:

Reimagining Urban Living Labs: Enter the Urban Drama Lab Debates Paper by Cecilie Sachs Olsen and Merlijn van Hulst

Cecilie Sachs Olsen and Merlijn van Hulst expand current debates concerning Urban Living Labs by contrasting and comparing them with knowledge and practices developed in the field of theatre and performance in this open access Debates Paper.


Character contradiction: The exclusionary nature of preservationist planning restrictions by Rachel Gallagher, Thomas Jason Sigler and Yan Liu

In this open access study, Rachel Gallagher et al analyse land use conversion of almost 6000 lots in Brisbane, Australia.


Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Unbundling tenure security and demand for property rights: Evidence from urban Tanzania by Martina Manara and Tanner Regan

Manara and Regan explore how landholders experience urban land conflict revealing how different stages of regularisation address specific concerns and aspirations to tenure security in this open access article.

Read the accompanying blog post here.


Child-friendly urban practices as emergent place-based neoliberal subjectivation? by Carmen Perez-del-Pulgar, Isabelle Anguelovski and James JT Connolly

Drawing on empirical research conducted in Amsterdam, Vienna, and Bristol in 2019, Carmen Perez-del-Pulgar et al compare and contrast how plans reorganise children’s urban social space across different neoliberalising contexts.


Episodic populist backlashes against urban climate actions Critical Commentary by Mahir Yazar

This open access critical commentary by Mahir Yazar examines how episodic populist backlashes manifest on an urban scale and highlights the need for urban scholars to pay more attention to the phenomenon.


‘Adopt your city’: Post-political geographies and politics of urban philanthropy during austerity by Matina Kapsali

New open access article by Matina Kapsali brings a renewed, more enmeshed understanding of post-political urban governance through an analysis of the novel philanthrocapitalist regime that emerged in European cities in the context of the recent intersecting crises.