First Published:
15 May 2023, 9:31 am
First Published:
15 May 2023, 9:31 am
Obliged smart freedom: The Singaporean experience of advanced neoliberal-developmental governance by Aisha Sobey
Aisha Sobey’s open access article interrogates the notion of neutrality in Smart City projects and investigates the resulting rationales of the smart brand as a technology of control.
Read the accompanying blog post here.
Recommoning water: Crossing thresholds under citizen-driven remunicipalisation by Dona Geagea, Maria Kaika and Jampel Dell’Angelo
New open access study by Geagea, Kaika and Dell’Angelo concludes that water remunicipalisation can act as an important step for enabling processes of recommoning.
By yourself, yet not alone: Making space for loneliness by Luzia Cassis Heu and Tom Brennecke
This open access critical commentary from Heu and Brennecke offers ideas for public spaces that cater to the diverse needs of lonely people.
Happy city for everyone: Generational differences in rural migrant workers’ leisure in urban China by Zidan Mao, Fangyu Liu and Ying Zhao
Mao, Liu and Zhao provide a typology of leisure patterns by considering multiple dimensions of behaviour, revealing the diversification of migrant workers’ leisure life in the dynamic urban context.