Latest Urban Studies news 16/11/20

Latest Urban Studies news 16/11/20


First Published:

16 Nov 2020, 9:53 am

Latest Urban Studies news 16/11/20

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Not too close, not too far: urbanisation and life satisfaction along the urban hierarchy by Camilla Lenzi and Giovanni Perucca

Are EU cities unhappy places? New insights on the relationship between life satisfaction and urbanisation show that rural residents are better off, but only when they live at short distance from cities.

Read the accompanying blog here.


‘An open secret’: Public housing and downward raiding in Rio de Janeiro by Jeff Garmany and John Burdick

This latest study from Garmany and Burdick explores important questions about the ways urban displacement happens in public housing.


‘We’re in Asia’: Worlding LGBTQI+ activism otherwise in Sydney by Derek Ruez

This article is part of the forthcoming Special issue: Placing LGBTQ+ urban activisms

This new study from Ruez poses the problem of ‘worlding’ in relation to urban LGBTQI+ activitism in Sydney, Australia.