Latest Urban Studies news 17/02/20

Latest Urban Studies news 17/02/20


First Published:

17 Feb 2020, 8:58 am

Latest Urban Studies news 17/02/20

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

The spatial varying relationship between services of the train network and residential property values in Melbourne, Australia by Qianyao Li, Junwu Wang, Judith Callanan, Binbin Lu and Zeng Guo

New study examines the link between railway service levels and residential property values while extending the case study to the local level.


The ambiguity of diversity: Management of ethnic and class transitions in a gentrifying local shopping street by Emil van Eck, Iris Hagemans and Jan Rath

New article explores the (discursive) remaking of the shopping street and the consequences thereof for shopkeepers and local residents.

Read the blog ‘Diversity’ in a gentrifying local shopping street in Amsterdam’ here


Cultivating beneficiary citizenship in urban community gardens in Metro Manila by Kristian Saguin

Community gardens become spaces where urban dwellers articulate citizenship by combining various strategies granted by their participation in the projects, exceeding attempts to order and contain urban life.


Rebalancing the rhetoric: A normative analysis of enforcement in street homelessness policy by Sarah Johnsen, Beth Watts and Suzanne Fitzpatrick

Drawing on in-depth qualitative research in six UK cities, Johnsen, Watts and Fitzpatrick highlight the disparity between the condemnatory portrayals of enforcement dominant in academic and media discourses.


Producing ‘luxury’ housing: Developers’ strategies and housing advertisements in Hong Kong (1961–2011) by Wing Yee Kimburley Choi, Annie HN Chan and Anita KW Chan

Choi et al’s latest article deepens understanding of Hong Kong’s housing and socio-spatial inequalities and contributes to critical luxury studies.


Neighbourhood effects on acculturation attitudes among minority and majority adolescents in Germany by David Kretschmer, Hanno Kruse

To what extent should immigrants and their offspring adopt the cultural practices of the receiving society, maintain own customs and traditions, or do both at the same time?


The social politics of dispossession: Informal institutions and land expropriation in China by Karita Kan

Kan argues that informal institutions play a crucial role in mediating both the economic and extra-economic processes of dispossession


Urban house prices and investments in small and medium-sized industrial firms: Evidence from provinces of Iran by Hassan F. Gholipour

New study examines the effect of real house prices on investments in small and medium-sized industrial firms in Iranian provinces over the 2005-2016 period.


Effects of green space on walking: Does size, shape and density matter? by Xiaohu Zhang, Scott Melbourne, Chinmoy Sarkar, Alain Chiaradia and Chris Webster

Is there objective evidence that the configuration of #urban #GreenSpace in a large city is systematically associated with walking behaviour?


New posts on Urban Blog

Graffiti and Street Art book cover

Book review: Graffiti and Street Art: Reading, Writing, and Representing the City

Edited by Konstantinos Avramidis & Myrto Tsilimpounidi and reviewed by Emma Arnold

“All works in this book are in different ways careful considerations of the urban, making this a significant resource for urban scholars searching for lively examples and critiques of the (neoliberal) city and its aesthetic hegemonies.”


Estimating the local employment impacts of immigration

by Bernard Fingleton, Daniel Olner and Gwilym Pryce

Fingleton, Olner and Pryce develop a new robust method for estimating the long run employment impacts of immigration at the local level.