Latest Urban Studies news 17/08/20

Latest Urban Studies news 17/08/20


First Published:

17 Aug 2020, 2:05 am

Latest Urban Studies news 17/08/20

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

‘Post-pandemic’ transnational gentrifications: A critical outlook by Georgia Alexandri and Michael Janoschka

Commentary for the forthcoming special issue: Transnational gentrification

Alexandri and Janoschka argue that the underlying conceptual assumptions of transnational gentrifications require crucial adjustments.


Regional housing price dependency in the UK: A dynamic network approach by Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji, Wan-Li Zhao and Nicholas J Horsewood

Zhang et al take a dynamic network approach to analyse regional house price dependency in the UK.


Building new knowledge about natures, ecologies and sustainability: A review article by Gerardo del Cerro Santamaría

Gerardo del Cerro Santamaría reviews three books in his new review essay: Grounding Urban Natures: Histories and Futures of Urban Ecologies; Urban Planet: Knowledge Toward Sustainable Cities; and Ecological Urbanism.