Latest Urban Studies news 22/02/21

Latest Urban Studies news 22/02/21


First Published:

22 Feb 2021, 4:09 am

Latest Urban Studies news 22/02/21

New issue out now

The March 2021 issue (Volume 58, Issue 4) of Urban Studies Journal is now available online. Read the full issue here

Articles include:

Polycentric regions: Proposals for a new typology and terminology Debates paper by Angelika Münter, Kati Volgmann 

Münter and Volgmann develop a conceptual typology and terminology describing various dimensions of a polycentric region in their latest debates paper.


Community interactions and sanitation use by the urban poor: Survey evidence from India’s slums by YuJung Julia Lee, Tiffany Radcliff 

New study by Lee and Radcliff identifies social interactions that serve as information channels that promote public latrine use in India’s slums.

Read the full issue here.


Latest articles on OnlineFirst

Placing LGBTQ+ urban activisms by Alison L Bain, Julie A Podmore

Bain and Podmore introduce our forthcoming special issue on Placing LGBTQ+ urban activisms


A new framework for very large-scale urban modelling by Michael Batty, Richard Milton

Batty and Milton discuss very large-scale urban modelling as part of our forthcoming special issue: Big data in the city.


Transbordering assemblages: Power, agency and autonomy (re)producing health infrastructures in the South East of England by Carlos Moreno-Leguizamon, Marcela Tovar-Restrepo

This article is part of the forthcoming special issue: Infrastructural stigma and urban vulnerability

Moreno-Leguizamon and Tovar-Restrepo explore how Butler’s notion of vulnerability and Castoriadis’ notion of autonomous agency help to expand our understanding of the interplay between stigma and health infrastructures.


Market buoyancy, information transparency and pricing strategy in the Scottish housing market by Nan Liu

Motivated by the Home Report scheme in Scotland, Liu’s latest study investigates the role of information symmetry played in such a trade-off.


A broom to the head: ‘Cleaning Day’ and the aesthetics of emergence in Dakar by Branwyn Poleykett

Poleykett uses “Cleaning Day” as a lens to analyse the production and reception of set aesthetics in a time of emergence.

Read the accompanying blog post here.


New reviews on Urban Blog

Citizenship and Infrastructure book cover

Book review: Citizenship and Infrastructure: Practices and Identities of Citizens and the State

edited by Charlotte Lemanski and reviewed by Frances Brill

“Taken as a whole, Citizenship and Infrastructure delivers empirical depth to substantiate Lemanski’s claim that infrastructural citizenship provides an excellent conceptual lens for advancing theories of urban citizenship and infrastructure provision simultaneously.”

Read more book reviews on the Urban Studies blog.


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