First Published:
30 Jan 2023, 10:37 am
First Published:
30 Jan 2023, 10:37 am
The February 2023 issue (Volume 60, Issue 2) of Urban Studies Journal is now available online. Read the full issue here. Articles include:
Do financial models reshape un-cooperative cities? On urban founder’s profit and collaborative-communicative planning in times of austerity by Jeroen Klink
This latest debates paper from Jeroen Klink develops a conceptual approach to articulate the political economy inspired literature on the financialisation of cities with a critical reading of planning theory.
Racial disparities in the pattern of intergenerational neighbourhood mobility by Sage J Kim, Jaeyong Shin and Nebiyou Tilahun
This new article from Kim, Shin and Tilahun asks whether the gap in social and economic achievements in the United States may be partially explained by racial differences in the intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood context.
Ambivalent insurgencies: Citizenship, land politics and development in Hanoi and its periurban fringe by Gray Brakke
This latest article from Gray Brakke examines the Vietnamese state’s ambivalence towards insurgent assertions of urban citizenship in and around Hanoi.
Towards variegated ‘Peripheral Municipalisms’: The experience of Valparaíso and Recoleta, Chile by Fernando Toro and Hernán Orozco
This article is for the forthcoming special issue: Municipalist strategy in crisis?
New forms of municipalism have emerged in times of multiple crises. In this special issue paper, Toro and Orozco analyse the cases of Valparaíso and Recoleta in Chile proposing a situated and decolonial approach to inform the current translocal movement.
Patterns of onwards migration within the urban hierarchy of China: Who moves up and who moves down? by Jiejing Wang, Xin Mai and Lizheng Zhang
Mai, Wang and Zhang’s latest study examines onward migration patterns and the factors that influence them in urban China.
Care commons: Infrastructural (re)compositions for life sustenance through yet against regimes of chronic crisis by Isabel Gutierrez Sanchez
Isabel Gutierrez Sanchez’s latest article argues that infrastructural systems of care commons could contribute to a transformative politics for a world in crisis, yet against crisis regimes.
Read the accompanying blog here.
Where is agency in the context of urban transformation? Exploring the narratives of institutional stakeholders and community activists in Birmingham by Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska and Liam O’Farrell
This new paper by Grzymala-Kazlowska and O’Farrell encourages greater reflection on notions of agency and participation in discussions on the ‘just city’.
Iconic buildings in the making of city identity: The role of aspirational identity artefacts by Alessandra Zamparini, Gastone Gualtieri and Francesco Lurati
This latest study from Zamparini, Gualtieri and Lurati explores the role that iconic buildings in-the-making have in the discursive construction of city identity in the public debate.
Book Review: Radical Communications: Rebellious Expressions on Urban Walls reviewed by Christophe Davis Michael Tsangaris brings theoretical depth and a critical scope to wall writings, a media too often categorised as mundane, irrelevant or, as the author rightfully shows, straightforward theft. |
Book review: Terraformed: Young Black Lives in the Inner City reviewed by Alexandros Daniilidis Terraformed is a timely, critical account on injustices, racism and violence that Black youth lives undergo within the scope of neoliberalism, austerity and the changing landscape in Newham. |
Book review: Making Mexican Chicago: From Postwar Settlement to the Age of Gentrification reviewed by Evelyn Ravuri Amezcua chronicles the 20th-century struggle of Mexicans/Mexican Americans to win a place in Chicago’s economic and political structure. |
Book review: Divercities: Understanding super-diversity in deprived and mixed neighbourhoods reviewed by Verónica Hendel Divercities contributes to a growing body of scholarship that powerfully recentres the relationship between economic growth and racial inequality in the post-war years, particularly in the development of affordable housing, urban infrastructure and penal policies. |
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