Latest Urban Studies news 30/05/22

Latest Urban Studies news 30/05/22


First Published:

30 May 2022, 11:12 am

Latest Urban Studies news 30/05/22

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

‘My neighbourhood is fuzzy, not hard and fast’: Individual and contextual associations with perceived residential neighbourhood boundaries among ageing Americans by Jessica Finlay, Joy Jang, Michael Esposito, Leslie McClure, Suzanne Judd and Philippa Clarke

How do residential neighbourhoods shift as people age? Finlay et al. investigate how perceived neighbourhood boundaries vary by individual and contextual characteristics.


Towards weird verticality: The spectacle of vertical spaces in Chongqing by Asa Roast

This article is part of the forthcoming Special issue: Radical Verticality: Critical explorations of high-rise urbanism.

New special issue study introduces the case study of Chongqing as a critical example of the cultural significance of vertical urbanism in the post-socialist Chinese city.


Pursuing dreams in an Asian global city: Does host language proficiency matter for Asian minorities? by Jin Jiang and Hon-Kwong Lui

Jin Jiang and Hon-Kwong Lui suggest that immigrant assimilation in a host society is not just a local problem but relates to the global and regional contextual factors of the city.

Read the accompanying blog post here.


Strategies for a new municipalism: Public–common partnerships against the new enclosures by Bertie Russell, Keir Milburn and Kai Heron

This article is part of the forthcoming Special issue: Municipalist strategy in crisis?

New special issue article considers the potential of public-common partnerships to act as a new municipalist intervention against the privatisation and financialisation of land in the UK.


Fickle spheres: The constant re/construction of the private and other new habits by Miko Hucko

This article is part of the forthcoming Special issue: Urban Public Health Emergencies and the COVID-19 Pandemic

New special issue study from Miko Hucko traces the observed shifts in the nature of the private and public spheres through exampes in German cities, tracing power via embodied experiences.


Making cities through migration industries: Introduction to the special issue by Nir Cohen, Tatiana Fogelman and Henrik Lebuhn

This article introduces the forthcoming Special issue: Making Cities Through Migration Industries

In this special issue introduction, Cohen et al. outline a research agenda for migration industries that is ‘thoughtfully embroiled in the (post-)pandemic urban’.

Read the accompanying blog post here.


Books available for review

If you are interested in reviewing a book for Urban Studies, please check the list of books currently available for review here before getting in touch with our Reviews Editor, Prof Michele Acuto. We are happy to receive requests for other titles but please note that some publishers now only offer e-copies for review although we always request a hard copy where possible. 


If you would like to promote an upcoming event or job opportunity related to the field of urban studies or submit a book review or blog post responding to one of our articles for consideration, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.