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13th May 2019

Latest articles on OnlineFirst

‘White flight’ in Milan: School segregation as a result of home-to-school mobility by Marta Cordini, Andrea Parma, Costanzo Ranci

This article is part of the forthcoming Special issue School segregation in contemporary cities: Socio-spatial dynamics and urban outcomes.

Cordini, Parma and Ranci argues that, despite aspiring to principles of universal access and equality, Milan’s schools not only fail to counter socio-economic inequalities and differentiation along ethnic lines, but they actually tend to amplify and entrench them.


A longitudinal analysis of the effect of public rail infrastructure on proximate residential property transactions by Edmund Zolnik

New study advances the state of knowledge on value capture documenting that the public rail infrastructure of the Metro in Washington, DC adds property value across the entire rail system, but that value is modest and the year-to-year changes are dramatic.


Book reviews now available on Urban Blog

Subaltern Planet book cover

Book review - Suburban Planet: Making the World Urban from the Outside In

Authored by Roger Keil and reviewed by Nitin Bathla

From the imaginary of the suburb in popular culture, to its discussion in urban theory, suburban social movements and ‘the right to the suburb’, to the construction of biophysical and metabolic relationships through suburbanisation, and finally suburban politics, the spectrum of themes flow well into each other and are suggestive of how suburbanisation has been the foundational principle of urbanisation overall.




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