The June Issue of Urban Studies is now available online

The June Issue of Urban Studies is now available online


First Published:

14 May 2019, 12:00 am

The June Issue of Urban Studies is now available online

Volume 56 Issue 8 (June 2019) is now available online

Articles include:

Current debates in urban theory from a scale perspective: Introducing a scenes approach critical commentary by Cary Wu, Rima Wilkes, Daniel Silver and Terry Nichols Clark

The theory of urban “scenes” as a candidate for incorporating and synthesising diverse understandings of scale.


Does urban form matter for innovation productivity? A national multi-level study of the association between neighbourhood innovation capacity and urban sprawl by Shima Hamidi and Ahoura Zandiatashbar

How does urban form affect innovation productivity? 


The civic support paradox: Fighting unequal participation in deprived neighbourhoods by Evelien Tonkens and Imrat Verhoeven

Front-line workers strategies to combat inequality in citizens’ initiatives in the deprived neighbourhoods of Amsterdam.


Read the full table of contents here.