The knowledge economy city

The knowledge economy city


Written by:

Markus Moos, Nick Revington, Tristan Wilkin and Jean Andrey

First Published:

23 Jan 2018, 12:00 am

The knowledge economy city

The knowledge economy city: Gentrification, studentification and youthification, and their connections to universities

A new paper by Markus Moos, Nick Revington, Tristan Wilkin and Jean Andrey is now available online



We investigate the spatial relationships among three prominent facets of contemporary urbanism – gentrification, studentification, and youthification – in the context of Canadian post-secondary educational institutions (universities and colleges). We conduct the analysis in three major Canadian cities with substantial knowledge economy sectors using confidential Statistics Canada census files, which include information on individuals and their geographies, and the location of universities and colleges, by enrolment size. We document ‘spillover’ effects of expansions in student enrolment and the building of campuses by analysing the geographic correlations among universities and gentrification and youthification. Studentification and youthification are to some extent coincident but not entirely, whereas the connection to gentrification is more complex. Our work provides novel insight into the ways the three different facets of contemporary urbanism overlap and contribute to our understanding of how universities and colleges, as hallmarks of the knowledge economy, influence the social geography of cities.


You can access and read the full paper here