The November issue of Urban Studies is now available online

The November issue of Urban Studies is now available online


First Published:

01 Nov 2017, 12:00 am

The November issue of Urban Studies is now available online

Volume: 54, Number: 15 (November 2017) is now available online


The hegemony of the real estate industry: Redevelopment of ‘Government/Institution or Community’ (G/IC) land in Hong Kong by Joanna Wai Ying Lee and Wing-Shing Tang. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3403-3422.

Traffic congestion, accessibility to employment, and housing prices: A study of single-family housing market in Los Angeles County by Yuting Hou. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3423-3445.

Mandatory savings, credit access and home ownership: The case of the housing provident fund by Yilan Xu. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3446-3463.

Identifying consumerist privately owned public spaces: The ideal type of mass private property by Xuefan Zhang. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3464-3479.

Exploring the synergistic economic benefit of enhancing neighbourhood bikeability and public transit accessibility based on real estate sale transactions by Wei Li and Kenneth Joh. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3480-3499.

Smart growth characteristics and the spatial pattern of multifamily housing in US metropolitan areas by Andrew McMillan and Sugie Lee. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3500-3523.

The price premium for green-labelled housing: Evidence from China by Li Zhang, Hongyu Liu, and Jing Wu. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3524-3541.

Pharmaceuticalisation in the city by Darrin Hodgetts, Amanda Young-Hauser, Kerry Chamberlain, Jonathan Gabe, Kevin Dew, and Pauline Norris. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3542-3559.

Analysis of the factors that disrupt dietary habits in the elderly: A case study of a Japanese food desert by Nobuyuki Iwama, Tatsuto Asakawa, Koichi Tanaka, and Nobuhiko Komaki. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3560-3578.

Urbanisation and the geographic concentration of industrial SO2 emissions in China by Zekai He, Xiuzhen Shi, Xinhao Wang, and Yuwei Xu. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3579-3596.

Public support for hosting the Olympic Summer Games in Germany: The CVM approach by Pamela Wicker, John C Whitehead, Daniel S Mason, and Bruce K Johnson. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3597-3614.

Regeneration and networks in the Arts District (Los Angeles): Rethinking governance models in the production of urbanity by Sébastien Darchen. Urban Studies, Vol. 54, No. 15: 3615-3635.

Full table of contents available here.