Urban Studies Best Article 2016

Urban Studies Best Article 2016


First Published:

07 Jun 2017, 12:00 am

Urban Studies Best Article 2016

The Urban Studies Best Article is awarded by the editors to the author(s) of what they consider to be the most innovative and agenda-setting article published in a given year.  From a longlist of 20 articles, five articles were shortlisted by the editors from those published in print copy in 2016.



The editors are pleased to announce that Professor Michael Storper, London School of Economics, and Professor Allen Scott, University of California at Los Angeles, are the winners of the Urban Studies Best Article 2016 for their article, “Current debates in urban theory: A critical assessment”.


This article along with the other four shortlisted papers are free to view on the Journal’s website.

You can view the accompanying vodcast below: