USF is looking to appoint a new Director of Operations

USF is looking to appoint a new Director of Operations


First Published:

07 Sep 2017, 12:00 am

USF is looking to appoint a new Director of Operations

Recruiting: Director of Operations for the Urban Studies Foundation (USF)

Closing Date: 29 October 2017.

(Part-time 17.5 hours – Salary c. £14,300 pa.)

USF is looking to appoint a motivated individual with a demonstrable interest in urban studies to the key post of Director of Operations (DoO).  The position, combining strategic and administrative duties, will support and promote the work of USF internationally through outreach and profile building.  Candidates should preferably have some working knowledge of urban studies, some experience of handling legal and financial documents, experience of maintaining and providing content for websites and social media, and be capable of acting as the ‘public face’ of USF.  The post will be based at the Foundation’s offices in the Adam Smith Building at the University of Glasgow.

Further particulars about the roles, profile and person specification for the DoO position are available in our Job Description document.

Informal inquiries can be directed to the USF Chair, Chris Philo ([email protected]). Individuals wishing to apply for the position as DoO should send the following materials electronically to Ruth Harkin ([email protected]) by Friday 29 October 2017:

  1. A covering letter (no more than 2 pages A4) explaining why you wish to be considered for a position as a DoO for USF, and detailing (a) your relevant experience in the field of ‘the urban’ and (b) signalling highlights of how you meet the Essential and Desirable person specifications in the Job Description (but there is no need to offer a systematic mapping of your case on to all of the specifications).
  2. A CV (no more than 6 pages A4) formatted as you wish (but it must be easy to pick out the dimensions of your ‘urban’ experience and achievement, academically or otherwise) and please ensure that your complete employment record to date is clearly specified.

Further information about USF can be obtained on our website.