Workshop: Infrastructural Reading

Workshop: Infrastructural Reading


First Published:

29 May 2019, 5:00 am


Workshop: Infrastructural Reading

Infrastructural Reading: Fragments, Flows, Forms

When: Tuesday 4 June 2019

Where: ELG01, Drysdale Building, City University London


Keynotes: Professor Keller Easterling (Yale); Professor Matthew Gandy (Cambridge); Professor Caroline Levine (Cornell, via weblink)

Artist’s Talk: Sarnath Banerjee (graphic novelist)


This day-long workshop will explore how literary, visual and other narrative forms mediate and intervene into current debates on cities, urban spaces and sustainable infrastructure developments.


A full poster and programme for the day is available to view online here. Registration is £10 and is inclusive of lunch, all refreshments and talks. Workshop participants from across the disciplines are welcomed.


If you have any queries please contact